
What customer information does imprescents.com retain?

– What products a customer ordered and when
– Name, e-mail address, and phone number provided by the customer
– Billing (and optionally: shipping) address entered by the customer
– A note about payment method used by the customer

This information is stored in website host’s database.

Can I get a copy of my personal data?

Yes. You can request it.

How does imprescents.com collect customer information and take payment at checkout?

imprescents.com allows customers to pay for orders via payment gateways.

– A manual payment gateway, such as BACS, collects customer information, then provides them with your details so they can transfer payment.
– An automatic payment gateway is an application that securely requests information from customers and relays it to a third-party payment processing service, e.g., A credit card processor or PayPal.

Does imprescents.com retain customers’ credit card information?

No. customer’s credit card number and security code are never stored on imprescents.com. The payment gateway gives this sensitive information directly to the payment processor. our payment gateway ensure credit card data never enters or passes through this website’s database. This means you need not meet the burdensome and expensive security standards required for storing customers’ credit card numbers.

How secure is tokenization?

Extremely. With tokenization, customers’ actual credit card information is stored on the servers of the payment processor.

The only data saved on your imprescents.com is in the form of a string of characters called a token. These tokens are designed to be useless outside the precise context they’re created for. Imagine if, when you exchanged your money for chips at a casino or ride tickets at a fair, those chips or tickets not only couldn’t be spent on anything outside the casino or fair but couldn’t be spent by anyone but you.

Tokens are super-specific — specific to the customer, specific to your website, specific to the payment gateway’s payment processor, and specific to your merchant account with that processor. If any of those factors aren’t precise, the token won’t work as a placeholder for a customer’s payment information. Many gateways that allow tokenization also require the customer to enter their Card Security Code for each new purchase.

Payment gateways that allow tokenization will require your site to meet higher security standards set by the payment processors, and those standards are described in the documentation for each payment gateway.

Is imprescents.com GDPR compliant?